Fugitives from Fundamentalism

The Musings of Adult Missionary Kids (MKs) & Former Born-Again Believers

“The Atheist Experience”

Posted by Noraa on January 21, 2011

This show has some pretty funny call ins. This is just one example……..

16 Responses to ““The Atheist Experience””

  1. Jerry said

    It’s sort of like trying to have a rational conversation with a drunk.

    • Jesus said

      I think you’re right, Jerry. It’s exactly like reasoning with a drunk person. I think that one host was being gracious by referring to her as tipsy. Her reasoning was tipsy, but she seemed just fine to me.

  2. JN said

    The reasoning with a drunk metaphor doesn’t play out in favor of either party.

    The funny part about this clip wasn’t the caller, who isn’t the brightest bulb in the bunch, but it was the hosts of the show. Just look at the way the guy on the left bats his eyelashes, and the guy on the right sits there with a this-is-gonna-be-good expression on his face. Two real Babe Ruths, hitting homers in Little League. Keep living the dream.

    • Jesus said

      Yeah, I’m with you on that: these guys weren’t the best hosts. The minute they started stepping on each other’s words, interrupting the caller, etc., I started thinking, “they should have used this argument, they shouldn’t have attacked someone out their league so intensely…yadda, yadda.” I do understand their reaction though. Why was this lady calling up to the show merely because someone told her to do it? Why was she totally unprepared to do anything other than (poorly) parrot Sunday School platitudes about her beliefs? They should have handled her with kid gloves early on and tried to end the conversation to get to a guest who was more interesting to talk to.

      • JN said

        “That’s why he’s called THE Savior.” Ha! That’s a zinger…

      • Noraa said

        I agree……but if you watch a few of these “episodes” you can kind of see how they get to the whole “here we go again” attitude. They get callers of this caliber over and over again trying to make the same point in a slightly different phrased, equally stupid manner. I found it amusing, some are just flat out hilarious.

  3. Noraa said

    haha, this reminds me of our conversation over Arabic tea with Jesse and Sol.

    • Jesus said

      Now you’ve got me interested. What form did your douchebaggery take?

      I follow Shitmydadsays on Twitter, and one of the wise quotes that came from the very profane mouth of that guy’s dad seems applicable to our conversation about the appropriateness of these atheists response to that not-so-bright caller: “Everyone thinks their opinion matters. Don’t argue with a nobody. A farmer doesn’t bother telling a pig his breath smells like shit.”

    • Jesus said

      Haha!! I have done the same thing on so many occasions you can’t even count them. I go off like that with people whose well being I actually care about. If I don’t care about you, I won’t give a damn what crazy shit you believe. Unfortunately, I have discovered too late that it is a bad technique. However, the truth is: there is no good technique for dealing with crazy beliefs. You just have to nod your head in a non-confirming way and put the person on your “crazy as batshit” list. Next time smoke a blunt and your conversation will be less aggressive. 🙂

    • JN said

      The world is only 28 years old. Lucky for you guys, I’m alive. Without me, none of you would even exist.

      • Ann said

        Nope, the world is all about me (37 years and counting down).

        You guys should know by now my opinions are the only valid ones on this site (and my preferences). But yeah, when it comes to facts, some people just don’t get it. How do you argue away evolution? I don’t pretend, I just tell ’em straight what I know, then go on with things. They know I think they are full of bunk–I just told a creationist EVOLUTION IS TRUE. Honestly, what gets me is how believers and atheists alike believe irrational things with no evidence, that have nothing to do with religion, and actually get pissed at you for not agreeing with them (yeah, every once in a while I do it too). Common guys, reality check. Everyone knows steaks must be cooked medium if they are to taste good. Oh, and you should feel very ashamed when I make you eat crow. Apologize to me for being wrong dammit about your steak taste.

        • Ann said

          And reality check: insulting people turns most people off. They may laugh and go with it, but even if they have a thick skin, unless you are truly their friend it’s gonna create a wall. I laugh a lot harder when humor insults ideas versus people themselves. There are ways to be matter of fact about what you know or prefer without creating rifts. Called assertiveness. I do it every day with clients, among others. Pretending is for wussies. (lol)

        • Ann said

          Yes, it’s now a part of who they are. It’s most difficult for me when people I care about consistently attempt to force their beliefs about things on me. Although I respect people who are direct about what they think and feel, it feels bad to be ridiculed. Why I value allowing people the air they need to make their own choices. Insulting people, or attacking beliefs based on feelings forcefully is illogical, as evidence from applied research in psychology has indicated strongly over the past 30+ years or more. The old school behavioral and authoritarian style of promoting change (versus relationship-style focusing on feelings and cognitions) has time and time again been proven to be ineffective, and does nothing to improve or promote positive relationships.

        • Ann said

          I know, it’s confusing and it sucks.

        • Ann said

          Paulo, I realize you were just giving your thoughts, but it also got me thinking about things today as I was working. My thoughts on challenging people, if a person decides to challenge people. What I have learned from experience and from research on effective practice in therapy, which also applies to interacting with people in general:

          1. Challenging people or trying to actively change someone doesn’t typically work in general without a “therapeutic relationship” where someone approaches you for your assistance with a particular issue. It simply doesn’t do much in general to challenge people with whom you have a subjective relationship. They have a difficult time viewing you outside of their own perception of you–mutual emotions and their knowledge that you can be irrational at times (we all are) can cloud the truth of what you communicate to the other person.

          2. Challenging people personally who haven’t asked to be challenged, especially if they aren’t friends or family,or ridiculing someone for their beliefs or opinions, typically results in defensiveness and possibly alienation if continued.

          3. Direct communication of your personal opinions, preferences, and facts without emotional content can result in improved and more meaningful relationships.

          4. Two parties are involved in any communication, so communication has to occur on both sides that is thoughtful and direct in order for it to be heard and possibly understood.

          5. Challenging people’s ideas and beliefs through humor, satire, writing articles or books, teaching, or thoughtful debate where opinions are directly expressed without attacking a particular person’s character or appearances or other “flaws” is an effective way to convey facts with evidence and to get people to think without defensiveness. (and in my opinion, possibly make the world a more peaceful and free place)

          All that said, I like to be personally challenged if it’s thoughtfully done and evidence based with the most current and/or solid evidence. Some people dislike being challenged, even some people who say they do, especially if they like believing things (or it’s part of their personal identity)…and some people don’t know how or are unable to challenge effectively. Okay, enough of my thoughts today. lol

  4. dsc01 said

    I may some day navigate the labrynth of conversation above and really join in on the discussion. Until then, I would just like to say that I join Paulo in continued, unapologetic fixation with the word, “douchebag.”

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